Running ledger

Starting ledger provides us with a list of all the commands that are available.


This produces the following output.

Plain text accounting

  ledger [command]

Available Commands:
  balance     Print account balances
  completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  equity      Print account equity as transaction
  help        Help about any command
  import      Import transactions from csv to ledger format
  export      Export transactions from ledger format to CSV format
  lint        Check ledger for errors
  print       Print transactions in ledger file format
  register    Print register of transactions
  stats       A small report of transaction stats
  version     Version of ledger
  web         Web service

  -f, --file string   ledger file (default is $LEDGER_FILE) (default "")
  -h, --help          help for ledger

Use "ledger [command] --help" for more information about a command.

In order to run any command we must specify the ledger file. This is done with either the -f or --file flag. However, since this needs to be included so often, it can also be specified via the environment variable LEDGER_FILE.

It is encouraged to setup this LEDGER_FILE to require less typing every time a command is run.